Tuesday, 29 April 2008

My Daily MORNING Routine

It's something MOST People envious me..They envy me for having this 1-week break before starting work and most importantly that i dont have to wake up so early!!! (who's the one to say that 8am was a good time for everyone to go to work!!!!)

However, due to my addiction, it's a must for me to be awake by 8.20am!!! The addiction is associated to my ears!!! They must hear something at that period of time and my brains need to start working!!!

YES 93.3FM!!! I'm addicted to a radio program!!! I find it hard to believe but it's true...

  • 8.20am - Harvey Norman 菲比寻常大比拼 (Gives u 4 numbers and by "+ - X /" the ultimate answer has to 10 (my brains are also working and i really love the game)
  • 8.30am - Morning News (Since i don't read the papers, this is the time for me to know what's going on around the world)
  • 8.35am - 万人K歌 (Play songs that were once upon time Popular ; 1 per day only)
  • 9.30am - 罐头剧场 (Radio sitcom/drama that is as interesting though it doesnt have images ) ; the current one is <<名牌女郎>> I heard CJ7 as well as 暗巷2 and i think the DJs did a fantastic job!!

Of course, they also share many lifestyle topics which i think are useful, so how could i miss a day's broadcast??

Especially to 丁志勇 who is now my favourite DJ and my blog has his link to his blog...He doesnt have the best of looks (i think he'll look better with short hair) but he definitely has the voice!!! (God is fair) And i think he's talented too... Also applause to 周重庆 who is also talented and funny and 谢家发 who is good looking!!

All i hope for is I can continue to listen to my radio at my new place... Just cant miss it!!!


1 comment:

Unknown said...


hi, here's a site to solve Harvey Norman 菲比寻常大比拼