Monday, 21 April 2008

It's all About Time!!

At many phases of our life, our choices, our fate and our destiny depends on only 1 factor and that is T-I-M-E!!

Who you meet at different times of your life matters and it may just determine your fate!!

Mr T once mentioned he would not fall for another woman because of the perfect timing he met me... I was the one who saw the growing curve of his life, witnessing the lowest point of his 26 years where he used to work in a supermarket and seeing him developed to a well-groomed gentleman who carries himself confidently at work as well as socially.

All i hope for is: Years down the road when i read this entry again, his words still apply.

In our relationships, some of us meet the correct man pretty soon, some of us meet many men whom I describe as 过往云烟 and there are also some who have not met their Mr Right yet. I fully understand this cycle...

For those who have not met the right guy, be patient!! Time is not there yet..

At work, timing counts as well - If 'she' had been like this all this while (so kind and understanding), i wouldnt have chosen to leave - The working location is great and is definitely a place for growth and learning especially with its extension, but I cant take this risk again. If she changes for the good, i'll be happy for her, happy for the new team. If she doesnt, then all i say is "Good Luck People".

I shall now embark on my new journey...Location much further but pay and benefits is better.. Let's hope i make the right choice!

Okay...enough about timing.. shall show you my new office (My current office las moved 1 level down). At this new office, I will stay for 2 weeks before i say the final Good-Bye. It's open concept and i thought its quite cosy... Healthier environment for a Team to work!!

~Then again, timing plays a factor here...if i left the company earlier, i wouldnt have known this 4 ladies and couldnt enjoy the new office!~

Here's a zoom of my desk as of Sat 19 April 08:

  1. My colleagues hung my penguin and snowman upside down as i refused to stay on... Poor ToY!!
  2. As i was doing my Duty Manager Role, i was also surfing the web for
  3. Stationery packed in small containers. Ready to be brought home
  4. Same for documents, racks and holders all nicely packed
  5. Clean desk policy... didnt display much on the new desk since i was leaving...Quite handicapped for this 2 weeks as im so used to using my personal stationery

My table is even cleaner today as i brought more stuff back!

And this is Me...and this background shall be a Memory!!

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