Pen my thoughts and feelings so that they become memories should I one day lose my memory or... This page may not be read now but many things dont get discover until they are no longer available/around.
Sunday, 2 November 2008
A Busy Sunday

Monday, 27 October 2008
All about Him
17 Oct:
The OCBCs celebrated Tat's Birthday...
We went to Inter-continental Hotel for drinks after a Sumptuous SteamBoat Dinner. We chat, laughed, had some little surprise for Tat, i fell asleep for a while and we went home around 1plus... *Very tired and still had a course to attend the next day*

18 Oct:
It was my cousin's House-warming at Jalan Membina. Rushed down after work and brought along the 'wonder tree' to congratulate them...

As the 2 of us were still feeling tired from the day before, we left earlier for the beauty sleep!
Woke up about 9+pm and i prepared "爱心面" for him... all his favourite ingredients - Meat-ball, crab stick, eggs!

Then was back to sleep again...Zzzzz...............
19 Oct:
Breakfast ready for consumption, all thanks to his mum! Nice Nasi Lemak!
Slack, stone, sleep all the way till 6.45pm...
Tat: "Let's go Dozo for our dinner... Standard Chartered Card has 10%."
(Me thinking it's late liao and the next day got to work...but din want to disappoint him since he was so excited)
Me: "Ok lor... you call to see if it's available"
Tat: "OK...... (after a while)....... OK, booking done, 7.45pm."
(I was like Argghhhhh!!!!)
So we rushed to get ready and 7.25pm, we were waiting for our cab! i must admit my enthusiasm came only after i changed and freshened up!!
Dozo @ Valley Point, French & Japanese Mix Cuisine. Ambience is great and here's what we had:

As the birthday boy had no material wants, dinner was on me!!
25 Oct:
Happy Anniversary + NETS Family Day at Pasir Ris

It was a family day event so i went with him to meet his colleagues. We even went for an Expensive Foot Reflexology!! But it was nice....i fell asleep - that's how enjoying it was :)

No luck for lucky draw and after the event ended, we rushed in a cab to catch "新加坡金曲獎" at Singapore Indoor Stadium.

Rush like mad only to realise that the show hasn't started despite it was written 7.30pm on the ticket and we reached there like 8.05pm!!
We left early as we really couldn't appreciate the new batch of singers...sorry!!
Supper @ Kallang Leisure Park - Wang Cafe and then Home Sweet Home!!
26 Oct:
Finally not about him... haha..
After travelling almost the whole island trying to source for work stuff, we ended the disappointing day (all the shops that we visited were closed!) at KTV to vent our frustration!

*The tai-tai wanna-be*
Satisfying session except for the quality of my voice... Could have done better!!
Thursday, 2 October 2008
My Death Song
Read quite a number of deaths as well... They are not exactly people i know but what really affects me is how fragile a life can be. I guess i cant help but agree with Ms Tee's blog on death - When i die, who will cry for me and will i even know?
In silent, I often ask myself - On the streets one day, perhaps in an accident, if only 1 person gets to live, would that person be me?
Somehow my answers to myself is always 'No'. For simple reasons - When im with my boss, naturally it's because of her baby. When im with people i love, of course again, i would rather sacrifice. I simply cant convince myself for a reason to be living...
I told Tat today that i have been having this bad feeling lately - I feel im dying soon.
What if 1 day i just die like that - Sudden Death...Would I have done what i always wanted to, experience what i always dream of? Would i feel the pain of death?
If only i know the answers...
Recently, i came across Tay's blog: Amongst his entries, there is this particular entry that caught my attention. It's an entry that records the song that he would like to have it played at his funeral.
I played the song on youtube and tears just rolled down my cheeks (naturally)...
Im really touched by it and dedicated to myself, I shall name it the Death Song. When the day comes for me, i hope for the same song to be played... (if only there is someone who will remember)
Sunday, 7 September 2008
Mid-Atumn Fun @ the Beach!!!
As usual, it was a morning meet and we headed to Sentosa for our regular Beach Captain Ball!!!
Clever Korina thought it's more appropriate to be wearing lesser since the weather is so HOT!!! And so, Yes indeed, and she got herself BURNT!!!
This explains why she's so badly injured while writing this blog. From the head, neck, shoulders, arms, back of palms and her thighs!!! She's just like a lobster, ready to be served.
*Ouch!!! Painful!!*:( Nonetheless, it was great fun with
- Ms Peg labelled as MVP of the match,
- Tat as the one always hanging in the air, catching all the high balls *that's my hero*,
- Korina who uses her body to defend,
- the 2 Jasons who got themselves injured by each other and
- Uncle Lee was calling for breaks half the time during the match!!!

Our conclusion, it was still better to get ourselves a room in future. We need lots of rest!!! N better bathing facilities!!
And despite a day of sporty activities (Sun-BURNING at Sentosa), we went to Chinese Garden to absorb moonlight...
This year's theme at Chinese Garden is Hello Kitty & the F1 races. We were half way through when it started to rain. Luckily we still managed to catch the fireworks and also take some CUTIE pictures - else it's a waste of $15.

Great fun except for the after effect of having to suffer from the burns now... But i still look forward to the next activity...~this time with EXTRA EXTRA SUN-BLOCK~
Great work Guys...We shall plan the next one and i'll involve some interested parties for the beach :)
~Too many beautiful pictures - visit my friendster or view slide show below :) Enjoy!!~
Phew.... Finally!
We went to catch the Singapore Fireworks Festival at Marina Bay Floating Gallery. Tickets were priced at $25 each but we got ours FREE!! Though it was drizzling but it was romantic...with just the 2 of us. It was like a pre-anniversary for the both of us... Yet another event of fireworks like years before :) *Sweet Sweet*

Sunday, 10 August 2008
Batam Day Trip with Fantastic FouR!!!

- 2 hour Massage - Sea Salt Scrub, Javanese Massage, Seaweed Scrub
- Half leg Waxing
- Eye-lash Perming
Wei Tat:
- 3 hour Massage - Scrub, Massage, Steam, Jaccuzi (Not sure of order or if there were other services rendered!!)
Ms T:
- 2 hour Massage - Sea Salt Scrub, Javanese Massage, Seaweed Scrub
- Hair Treatment
Ms P:
- 2 hour Massage - Sea Salt Scrub, Javanese Massage, Seaweed Scrub
- Half leg Waxing
- Eye-lash Perming
I paid only S$76 for the above services and Tat $57 for his massage. So you can guess roughly how much i paid for my waxing and perming!!!
Next was off to Mega Mall for Makan and Shopping! If we managed to get a hotel, we would have gone to Nagoya Hill and also enjoy our Seafood Feast... next time!!!
Anyway, here are the shots within the mall and also our Makan trail...
Note: We reached MegaMall around 1515hrs and we were to take the 2030hrs ferry back to Singapore
The first thing upon arrival was of course to fill our stomach. We had the recommended Malay Chicken Rice. The meal for 4 cost us Rp 99,000 which is $15.50 equivalent!!!
1700: We concluded that there was not much shopping to do and so off we were at Singapore's Long Lost A & W!!

Then we were off to their supermarket and it was CrazY... My favourite was TISSUE PaPer... haha!!

It cost only $0.20 for the small pack and less than a dollar for the bigger one...Yeah. Even Mentos was only $0.20 per tube.
Lastly was to Batam Centre to see if there was any shopping. Disappointingly, there was none and SO.... Food again!!
1930: We were at Pizza Hut!!
Set menu for four was Rp $60,000 which is SG$9.30. Mind you it's for four and not per pax..
It was a wonderful trip (it was eat all day trip) though we were dead beat having to wake up early and to plan well in order to maximise our shopping time!!

I look forward to the next one... Hope you too!!
Monday, 21 July 2008
Just after i return to the company, 2 of them decided to move on to another industry. Well with that said, it's pretty obvious they are leaving for OTHER reasons - Reasons that made me leave initially as well. I cant comment if it's a good thing because for one, we should not stop people from 'pathing' their career especially when they are still so young. Then again, 2 people missing from the department means Hard work for me because I'm now in the midst of clearing all their work and getting processes right - Setting Precedence within the department...
As I step my foot into managing the department, i also realise many ProblemS that were either being Ignored for the longest time or are Snowballed... *Headache*
Now all i most look forward to is to have the 2 newbies on board - well technically 1 chosen by me and the other my boss, so i hope the one that i have chosen doesn't disappoint me!!
It's kind of fun to be interviewing people when you heard them talk about themselves, obviously saying politically right stuff and trying hard to please the interviewers...
Another thought that i have: Some people want to leave their job, BUT they fail to realise that they are under-qualified. Instead of considering themselves lucky with what they have, they are aiming only for the $$ and think they can soar the skies... *Hai... Nothing drops from the sky except Bird SHIT!*
Don't expect to be rewarded when you do nothing and expect to be paid Big Money. It's a realistic and fact that the society emphasizes a lot on education as well as experience.
Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, I'm now only interested in getting my Job done right and well. I look forward to my confirmation and the subsequent exposure in my position as i gain experience managing the team and making important decisions :)
Saturday, 19 July 2008
Re-considering my Options
Human relationships is also a problem - Not visible to many especially the people involved yet the adverse effects seems to snowball over the days. Again, i try to act as a bridge.
Personal time is not optimistic as well... School for the weekend and half the time i worry about my Customer Service. So many complains from shoppers!! ~But there's only so much i can do...~
Tat is half the time TIRED and decides to stay home. I prefer to unwind myself outside sometimes (travelling all the way to his place is as tiring, especially if I'm already in town). Due to such differences, we end up not meeting each other. *I wonder if this is healthy on the long term with lesser phone calls and meeting ups* Perhaps he likes it this way. For me, i really don't know!
So now you see, with great power (actually also nothing great), comes great responsibilities & sacrifices!! I cant tell for now if it's worth it but all i can comment is, i want to move on and enter the next stage in life...I don't want to live life stagnant for another 25 years!
Is there a need to consider all aspects of my current options??
Saturday, 12 July 2008
A world new week
Finally DONE with the silly assignment for Term 1 and it means i can go SHOPPING on Sun before i go to celebrate Clarence's second birthday @ Miramar Hotel!! Shopping shopping... going to FOX for 20%, G2ooo for my long sleeve and The Bodyshop for blusher!!! Oh how fulfilling...Vivocity, here i come!!
Time to get ample rest now!!