Long since i log in but the next few updates are all about him (almost lah)...
17 Oct:
The OCBCs celebrated Tat's Birthday...
We went to Inter-continental Hotel for drinks after a Sumptuous SteamBoat Dinner. We chat, laughed, had some little surprise for Tat, i fell asleep for a while and we went home around 1plus... *Very tired and still had a course to attend the next day*
17 Oct:
The OCBCs celebrated Tat's Birthday...
We went to Inter-continental Hotel for drinks after a Sumptuous SteamBoat Dinner. We chat, laughed, had some little surprise for Tat, i fell asleep for a while and we went home around 1plus... *Very tired and still had a course to attend the next day*

18 Oct:
It was my cousin's House-warming at Jalan Membina. Rushed down after work and brought along the 'wonder tree' to congratulate them...

As the 2 of us were still feeling tired from the day before, we left earlier for the beauty sleep!
Woke up about 9+pm and i prepared "爱心面" for him... all his favourite ingredients - Meat-ball, crab stick, eggs!

Then was back to sleep again...Zzzzz...............
19 Oct:
Breakfast ready for consumption, all thanks to his mum! Nice Nasi Lemak!
Slack, stone, sleep all the way till 6.45pm...
Tat: "Let's go Dozo for our dinner... Standard Chartered Card has 10%."
(Me thinking it's late liao and the next day got to work...but din want to disappoint him since he was so excited)
Me: "Ok lor... you call to see if it's available"
Tat: "OK...... (after a while)....... OK, booking done, 7.45pm."
(I was like Argghhhhh!!!!)
So we rushed to get ready and 7.25pm, we were waiting for our cab! i must admit my enthusiasm came only after i changed and freshened up!!
Dozo @ Valley Point, French & Japanese Mix Cuisine. Ambience is great and here's what we had:

As the birthday boy had no material wants, dinner was on me!!
25 Oct:
Happy Anniversary + NETS Family Day at Pasir Ris

It was a family day event so i went with him to meet his colleagues. We even went for an Expensive Foot Reflexology!! But it was nice....i fell asleep - that's how enjoying it was :)

No luck for lucky draw and after the event ended, we rushed in a cab to catch "新加坡金曲獎" at Singapore Indoor Stadium.

Rush like mad only to realise that the show hasn't started despite it was written 7.30pm on the ticket and we reached there like 8.05pm!!
We left early as we really couldn't appreciate the new batch of singers...sorry!!
Supper @ Kallang Leisure Park - Wang Cafe and then Home Sweet Home!!
26 Oct:
Finally not about him... haha..
After travelling almost the whole island trying to source for work stuff, we ended the disappointing day (all the shops that we visited were closed!) at KTV to vent our frustration!

*The tai-tai wanna-be*
Satisfying session except for the quality of my voice... Could have done better!!
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