Im badly injured while updating this blog and you'll know why in my next entry!!! Well, let's see what has happened for the past weeks:
23 Aug 08:
We went to catch the Singapore Fireworks Festival at Marina Bay Floating Gallery. Tickets were priced at $25 each but we got ours FREE!! Though it was drizzling but it was romantic...with just the 2 of us. It was like a pre-anniversary for the both of us... Yet another event of fireworks like years before :) *Sweet Sweet*
We went to catch the Singapore Fireworks Festival at Marina Bay Floating Gallery. Tickets were priced at $25 each but we got ours FREE!! Though it was drizzling but it was romantic...with just the 2 of us. It was like a pre-anniversary for the both of us... Yet another event of fireworks like years before :) *Sweet Sweet*

After fireworks, we stayed to catch the comedian from New York...He was quite funny!!! And we went to Xin Wang for chicken wings before heading home :)
24 Aug 08:
Family Day and so Dinner @ JP (Pizza Hut) - Tat foot the bill!!
Not much elaboration except we found out that Little Clarence love dogs!! He was talking to the dog at the Pet shop... So cute!!
25 Aug 08:
Anniversary Day - We did not take leave nor disappear from work. We had dinner after work at Yaki Yaki Bo... Nice but a little expensive though. But it was once in a blue moon (ermm, actually not exactly). Here's the spread and no doubt it was simple celebration, we were happy!!

Alrite that's all for the month of Aug and you shall soon see why im badly injured while writing this...
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