Wednesday, 30 April 2008

What The Girl Wants?

At this time of the day, I'm supposed to be concentrating on my books since I'm on leave and will hardly have time to catch up when i start work next week. However, I'm feeling kind of sick and queasy...

Not that I'm literally sick but i think its more of a 'heart' and mind problem. Perhaps i think too much but i seem to have lots of problems on my mind:

  • I don't know what I'll be expecting at the new place and I'm really concerned about the people there. I really pray that i don't meet another CRAZY person!!! And of course i hope i can cope with the work since i will be alone till the Executive comes in...
  • I have to wait till next year before i get any pay increment... BUT the good thing is i can still have my pro-rated bonus in December. I'm also lucky that i get to take leave as well as enjoy the company's benefits during probation period


  • I have assignments that i have no idea how to start them and the deadlines are close
  • I did some research but i find it hard to get started... As the saying goes, 万事起头难, so I'm feeling stressed!!!
  • My school fees are due 15 June and I need to have $3K+ by then (i have enough but the fact that i need to set aside $$ for it means i have to buy less)


  • Somehow the structure of my room with the furniture are not pleasing to my eyes. I feel very frustrated. Perhaps i need a new table and new storage space for the many things that i have. *CPU on the floor and document trays for bills and immediate matters*
  • 家家有本难念的经 - Parents not on talking terms. Though it doesn't really bother me but somehow it just affects the mood and atmosphere at home!!


  • Now that i have started school, i see less of him.
  • Working so far apart (Northern side & Central), i anticipate our meetings are going to be weekly kind of thing
  • However, it's quite fortunate that he bothers to stay up late to wait for me to be home and chats with me about the day's happenings...
  • Perhaps only this part of my life is more comforting and will put a smile on my face


  • Too many expenses to worry about:
  • Current pay is definitely enough to spend for daily necessities but given that money is needed for school fees, a new mobile phone (My N73 is going crazy and i better get it replaced before it loses it trade in value), savings, my many wants to Beautify myself.... and also money for the future - Housing, marriage... the list just gets on my nerves... (think i need to strike ToTo to solve the problems...hahahaha - Just dreaming!)

Money is a tricky element... 1 thing i cant understand is why there are people who can get rich without putting in much effort while the others slog so hard only to get peanuts... Some people are paid so well from NOWHERE while the others study so hard just to get a better pay...

Why is the world so unfair?? Some Shitty fellows out there are just Damn Lucky!!! (Pardon my language but I'm just feeling unjust)

What do I really want? I really don't know... All i know is, i think I'm unhappy!! Unhappy about the many unknown ahead...Unhappy about the many dreams that have yet to be accomplished...Unhappy that it will take a long while more before some wishes can come true....Unhappy about..... (the list continues) - i think the weather plays a part for making me feel so angry and stifled (I MISS NEW YORK)!!

Tuesday, 29 April 2008

My Daily MORNING Routine

It's something MOST People envious me..They envy me for having this 1-week break before starting work and most importantly that i dont have to wake up so early!!! (who's the one to say that 8am was a good time for everyone to go to work!!!!)

However, due to my addiction, it's a must for me to be awake by 8.20am!!! The addiction is associated to my ears!!! They must hear something at that period of time and my brains need to start working!!!

YES 93.3FM!!! I'm addicted to a radio program!!! I find it hard to believe but it's true...

  • 8.20am - Harvey Norman 菲比寻常大比拼 (Gives u 4 numbers and by "+ - X /" the ultimate answer has to 10 (my brains are also working and i really love the game)
  • 8.30am - Morning News (Since i don't read the papers, this is the time for me to know what's going on around the world)
  • 8.35am - 万人K歌 (Play songs that were once upon time Popular ; 1 per day only)
  • 9.30am - 罐头剧场 (Radio sitcom/drama that is as interesting though it doesnt have images ) ; the current one is <<名牌女郎>> I heard CJ7 as well as 暗巷2 and i think the DJs did a fantastic job!!

Of course, they also share many lifestyle topics which i think are useful, so how could i miss a day's broadcast??

Especially to 丁志勇 who is now my favourite DJ and my blog has his link to his blog...He doesnt have the best of looks (i think he'll look better with short hair) but he definitely has the voice!!! (God is fair) And i think he's talented too... Also applause to 周重庆 who is also talented and funny and 谢家发 who is good looking!!

All i hope for is I can continue to listen to my radio at my new place... Just cant miss it!!!


Monday, 28 April 2008

Why Korina Decides to take the Bus to School?

Today is the first day of school and Im on my 1-week break... The clock strikes 5pm and it's about time that i leave home for school - all the way to Orchard. The question that has been revolving in my mind since i stepped into the bathroom, getting ready is : "Should I travel by the usual MRT or should i take Bus No. 7?"

Because of this dilemma, Korina decides to weigh the advantages & disadvantages of the 2 modes of transport... and here it goes:

Having list all the points, the choice is pretty obvious... and so for the whole of this week, Bus No. 7, here i come!!

Thursday, 24 April 2008


2 Finally Things to shout about:

  1. Got my Supplementary Card from Mr T... YeaH!!! My own's coming pretty soon i hope, but the feeling is just different when it's supp from someone...
  2. It's my last day tomorrow... Mixed feelings about it as i sort of miss the enviroment there but the thought of XXXX, I convinced myself that it's a right choice that i made... else i have to sing "There she goes, there she goes again" everyday!!! *Quite painful*

Well, keep today's entry short... Nitez!!!

Dance of the Dragon - 龙之舞

"Disappointment" is the only word to describe my comment on the movie...

Not a very exciting World Premier as expected...unless you think meeting Pierre Png, his wife & Nick Shen up close and personal is an exciting experience!!

Fann Wong, Jang Hyuk and Robin Leong from afar... *but still want to thank Soo Kee for the invite!!*

The movie was ... (see below for details)

Scene: Appearance of underworld character in the movie
Our Thoughts: Huh??? Of what relevance was it to the movie??? Trying to show that Singapore had secret societies during this era??

Scene: Jason Scott Lee walking into a dark lane and got beaten up badly
Our Thoughts: Again, rationale of him being beaten up??? And who on earth in the right mind would walk into a dark lane just because he heard a bottle rolling noise....And i thought he was supposed to be a former champion...? He was bashed up pretty soon without much fight!!

Scene: Jang Hyuk mastering the patterns of martial arts IN A WEEK was nearly of same standards of Jason Scott Lee who was a former martial arts champion!!!
Our Thoughts: No need to be practising so religiously... 1 week or 2 is all it takes to take on a champion!!

Scene: Jang Hyuk travelling between Singapore & Korea
Our Thoughts: The movie makes it seem as if the distance between the countries is from Boon Lay to Jurong East!!! *Unrealistic*

Scene: Fann Wong teaching ballroom dancing - Waltz
Our Thoughts: Not much effort put in as we expected to see more of her dancing instead of asking her students to lift their heads higher and to walk up straight...

Scene: Dancing Tango during the competition
Our Thoughts: Which part of the movie were we told that she is preparing TANGO with partner Jang Hyuk and moreover, we dont see them practising at all. Jang Hyuk wasnt in Singapore few days before the competition...

Scene: Fann fell, music stopped and it became "I can be your Hero baby!!"
Our Thoughts: As Jang Hyuk picked Fann up (took quite long) and they continued dancing, their steps didnt really fit that new piece of music... A bit weird right???

Ending: Did Fann eventually be with Jang Hyuk? What did Jang Hyuk do after the competiton ; still pursuing his dreams, went back to factory in Korea or car-washer in Singapore?? ~Ask the director!!!~

Enough of the negatives, Great job to Junior Tae whom i think acted very well with great expressions...He portrayed the innocence of a child very well. Also to Jason Scott Lee who was rather charming and cool in the movie...Reminded me of Tay Ping Hui (think it's their eyes). Couldnt help but imagining if Ping Hui had taken up the role instead..Haha!!!

Well, the choice is still yours to catch the movie after reading this... Movie opens in major cinemas 1 May 08!!

Monday, 21 April 2008

It's all About Time!!

At many phases of our life, our choices, our fate and our destiny depends on only 1 factor and that is T-I-M-E!!

Who you meet at different times of your life matters and it may just determine your fate!!

Mr T once mentioned he would not fall for another woman because of the perfect timing he met me... I was the one who saw the growing curve of his life, witnessing the lowest point of his 26 years where he used to work in a supermarket and seeing him developed to a well-groomed gentleman who carries himself confidently at work as well as socially.

All i hope for is: Years down the road when i read this entry again, his words still apply.

In our relationships, some of us meet the correct man pretty soon, some of us meet many men whom I describe as 过往云烟 and there are also some who have not met their Mr Right yet. I fully understand this cycle...

For those who have not met the right guy, be patient!! Time is not there yet..

At work, timing counts as well - If 'she' had been like this all this while (so kind and understanding), i wouldnt have chosen to leave - The working location is great and is definitely a place for growth and learning especially with its extension, but I cant take this risk again. If she changes for the good, i'll be happy for her, happy for the new team. If she doesnt, then all i say is "Good Luck People".

I shall now embark on my new journey...Location much further but pay and benefits is better.. Let's hope i make the right choice!

Okay...enough about timing.. shall show you my new office (My current office las moved 1 level down). At this new office, I will stay for 2 weeks before i say the final Good-Bye. It's open concept and i thought its quite cosy... Healthier environment for a Team to work!!

~Then again, timing plays a factor here...if i left the company earlier, i wouldnt have known this 4 ladies and couldnt enjoy the new office!~

Here's a zoom of my desk as of Sat 19 April 08:

  1. My colleagues hung my penguin and snowman upside down as i refused to stay on... Poor ToY!!
  2. As i was doing my Duty Manager Role, i was also surfing the web for
  3. Stationery packed in small containers. Ready to be brought home
  4. Same for documents, racks and holders all nicely packed
  5. Clean desk policy... didnt display much on the new desk since i was leaving...Quite handicapped for this 2 weeks as im so used to using my personal stationery

My table is even cleaner today as i brought more stuff back!

And this is Me...and this background shall be a Memory!!

Sunday, 20 April 2008

Bravo to the BiG KiD!

The third eye others may call it and after weeks of procrastination, the BiG KiD FINALLY decided to remove this infected cyst on her chest.

She wanted to get it done at the clinic but the doctor felt it was too big and due to the sensitivity of the area, he referred her to Alexandra Hospital for an operation.

This was where I spent my weekend (I miss the chance to watch David Tao's concert BUT what are friends for right? What's more, I'm an Angel remember...wahahaha) ...Admitting her in (190408, 11am), she went for checks, went on fasting.......LONG EMPTY WAITS(till this morning) ..............Into the Operating Theatre and finally out after being in the OT for 1hr 15mins!!!

She's still in her ward as they need to observe her wound for any infection... if all goes well, she will be out by tomorrow!!! ~Yippie!!! I'm sure she'll be fine!~

Bravo to the Kid as she has been really brave throughout the whole 'event'... Despite being frightened and have to go under the knife and the needles, no tears shed and she went through everything bravely. Sometimes i wonder if i could be so brave if I were in her shoes *Touchwood*

Anyway, this entry is specially dedicated to her for her commendable bravery!! Speedy recovery to the wound and feel free to approach Nurse Lee (who is ME) for free dressing services!!

For those unaware, this BiG KiD is none other than my 'Bestest' Friend, Ms P! ~No worries, my friend - the sun will shine after the rain!!~

Thursday, 17 April 2008

City of Angels

Seen the movie? I have not...but i choose to believe I am one!

I truly believe that every human is an angel to another...or maybe there are some who are pure mortals.

I define myself as an angel because:
  1. I have provided PERMANENT jobs to others (though they are ungrateful!!)
  2. My decision to leave my job made someone realised that she needs to change her attitude in order to retain the rest (All i hope is her change is permanent for the good ; By the way, i choose to believe that its because of me that she has changed!!)
  3. I have influenced people to dress better (so much so that these people are better dressed than i am now - 1 is an air stewardess while the other who used to wear a Christmas tree skirt is doing marketing now)
  4. I also changed a man who used to not bother about his dressing and appearance. Now, not only has he improved, become a Manager heading a team, he is also my angel who has opened my sights on many things and brought me a long way...

Am i really An Angel? (if i really am, i hope i dont get punished for leaking out the secret) I hope I am but




Nah...I'm just another mortal who is currently in a dilemma of which job to choose, stressful about my Degree Program, worried about my school fees and hoping to get married soon.... In short, just another ordinary person with many knots waiting to be untied...SO HOW CAN I BE AN ANGEL??? Haiz!!!

And yes, Me, the ordinary Mortal has filed my income tax today and is feeling the pinch that I need to pay tax from this year onwards!!!! (next time when you walk on new roads or see new road signs, remember to sms me 'thank u' because i contributed a portion to it!!)

No matter what, I'm hopeful that one day i will...

Exclusive Invitations

Attended an exclusive invitation (11 April 08) to view the Super Star Aquarius who arrived in Singapore on 28 March 2008, replacing the well-known Super Star Virgo. She is definitely smaller than Super Star Virgo but according to Star Cruise personnel, her rooms are bigger!!

~ Junior Suite ~

Super Star Aquarius will be here for 6 months and will depart Singapore on 23 October 2008 (oh, isnt this TaT's birthday too?)

During this time, Super Star Virgo will sail to Hong Kong...

*Special Show - The Journey of Cheng Ho*
(Kudos to the performer!!)

The trip was enjoyable apart from the fact that I went alone and had no one to share my excitment with...and the food served was not too bad as well...hehe!!

Have another Exclusive Invitation to the World Premier of Dance of the Dragon on 23 April 08 and im so glad that this time, I CAN BRING MR TAT ALONG....YeaH!!! The tickets to the World Premier worth over $800...Free Food, Free Drinks and i think i should be able to see Fann Wong Live!!! Let's hope i can bring some photos back for sharing!!

Cheers to these exclusive invitations and i hope these invitations continue to come even after i leave my current position...

Monday, 14 April 2008

Annual Sentosa Gathering...Family Outing??

It was our Annual "family" outing again...this time with only 1 missing person, No. 8 - Simon.

We booked the Sentosa Siloso Beach Resort and had 2 rooms to accommodate our BIG family with our Guests.

We set off early morning on 12 April for Sentosa via Sentosa Express to play Beach Games!!! Thanks to the rain, we managed to rest a lot more....Been too long since we last exercised...panting like mad!!!

And the after-effect? I'm aching all over NOW!!!

I LOVE beach games!!!

*Men of the Match*Keith, Albert, Laifu, Tat, Julian & Luke*

~The Beach People~

*The Beach Couple*

~Cheese People!!~

Then we proceeded to check-in, wash up and rest in our rooms...After dinner was Indoor Activities which equals to Games + DRINKING!!! ~OMG~

Here's what we played:

Most of us were affected (not drunk though) by the strong alcohol (we had Volka, Remy Martin, Whisky) and I'm happy because i managed to eat my chicken wings when I had cravings close midnight...hehe.. That helped to get rid of the alcohol in my body... *Delicious!!*

And yes, importantly... Tat fulfilled his Dreams of being able to sleep with MANY different WOMEN on the same BED, in the same ROOM!!! ~I was sleeping on the floor!!!~

Photo-taking time and I received my Belated Birthday Present from them...Thanks!!

It is a bag from GUESS and hmmm, with that, TaT has to buy me another present... Let me think and i'll tell you what i want...

Lastly, our family photo of the year!!!

~Just for Laugh!!!~

Look forward to the next Beach outing... Let's not make it an annual thing...Too long a wait!!

Thursday, 10 April 2008

bYSI Beautify Me MakeOver Contest

5 & 6 April 2008 was a memorable weekend for 20 ladies as they experienced a live Make Over at Jurong Point.

~The ladies with the 3 judges in the middle~

These ladies age between 17 - 57 underwent not only a FREE make over (Proudly sponsored by Sa Sa Cosmetics), they had a well-known fashion stylist, BERNARD to help them choose their clothes as well as a Professional hair stylist, Eric to do up their hair. Their clothes were fully sponsored by bYSI and they put on shoes from Charles & Keith!

~Me with BerNard & my new colleague Charmaine~

~Ann from PUNCH! (Events Co.), Marcus Wong (PCK's son, Aloysius) & ME~

The event was a success but behind stage...

  • We had to go through many rounds with the event manager to confirm mechanics, sequence of events
  • Checked through Emcee scripts to make sure the language used is acceptable
  • Managed all the clothes and shoes - Carrying up and down the mall
  • Labelling of clothes and shoes and accouting for every piece of them
  • Taping the base and heels of the shoes so that they remain clean for selling after the event
  • Coordination for sound, house-keeping and security on event days
  • Running around to make sure everything is running as planned
  • Buying food and drinks for contestants and crew
  • Checking condition of clothes after event and returning them
  • Removing tape from shoes and cleaning them before returning
  • Post-Mortem of event...
Now you see the hard-work behind the scenes... No wonder the saying goes "台上三分钟,台下三年功"

Despite of these hard work, i must say i enjoy what i am doing... its part and parcel of events management which is my interest!!

The only unhappy thing is:

  • The last minute changes by... (haiz if you have been following my blogs closely, you would know who im referring to!!)
  • Everything that has been arranged and planned has to be changed and we have to do the physical work
  • Last to come, first to go and we are expected to stay to settle stuff, clean up....even on a SUN!!! Where did the so-called team-work go to?
All i hope now is for a healthier environment in my new place.... Higher PaY - I expect more work but not NoNseNse!!! *PraY*PraYing HarD*

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Welcome to Club 25!!

Yes! Today I finally joined Club 25 and my membership is valid for 1 year.

Had 2 celebrations for this membership over the weekend as well as today!!

Today_08.04.08: My TaT brought me to an Italian Restaurant for dinner @ Chu Lin Road (off Hillview estate) where he 'booked' the whole restaurant... (the restaurant was empty till when we were about to leave)

It is a cosy restaurant and the food served is good. What is remarkable about the restaurant is the service rendered...the people there are not only friendly, they are also sensitive to customers' needs. They prepared for me a FREE dessert and also sang me a birthday song :)

Let the pictures do the talking:

Total bill for the night...*Drum roll please*... $101+ after a 15% discount!!

During the weekend, my family also had dinner with me !! To save the upload time, i shall not upload ALL the photos...

Just want to thank the elders who gave me Ang Pows!!! U just made me richer!!

~The crabs are really big, arent they??~

I enjoyed myself though with minimal presents, what i experienced and have is what MoNeY cannot buy. I feel the sincerity in everyone... Tat's best present to me is his dedication to me on his blog!! If you dont have an intelligent bf, you wont get this!!!

But i know i will still be getting the bag i want...hehe..Thanks in advance!!

Tuesday, 1 April 2008


Today is my Birthday!!!

This is not an April Fool's Day Joke... but I'm not surprised if you don't believe Me because Tat didn't believe me either...

It is indeed my birthday, just that it's the Lunar one... :)

Today is a SpeCiaL Day because:
  • It's my Lunar Birthday (most important reason!!)
  • It's my favourite teacher's son birthday (Happy Birthday Malcolm!!)
  • Leslie Cheung's Fifth Death Anniversary_~MISS U MUCH LESLIE~ (not that it affects me but it is a memorable day for the entertainment circle and it definitely affects many people...maybe not in Spore but HK)
  • It's APRIL FOOL's Day!!! *Did you play a prank on someone? Or were U the victim?*

I had a sumptuous dinner at No. 9 Japanese Garden Road - Fisherman's Wharf (this is a Chinese Seafood Restaurant and not the Western Dining famous for its Fish & Chips)

Their specialities which was also our Menu:

  • the very big Nonya Seabass
  • the UniQue Vege ~ Forgot the name but basically the leaves are deep-fried and the stems are boiled first before they fry
  • the very tasty "Buddha Palm Chicken"
  • the soft & tender Fried beancurd with Thai Chilli and pork floss.......YummY!!!

The food is really !DELICIOUS! and I ate a lot.... More than what I would eat during Dinner...

Thanks to TaT and also Ms P for the $$wonderful Dinner$$ but it was overall affordable. Whatsmore we got complimentary dessert from the Manager...So nice of him.

Planning to bring my family there this Sun for my Birthday celebration!!! This time, I will take some pictures and post them for viewing.

Before you decide to visit them, do visit DBS Indulge ( for their Credit/Debit Card Specials :) [I'm not paid for this free advertising but i think it's good for the rest to know!] - I will have free longevity buns this SuN...hehehe