This day 25.08.07, Tat & I have come to our 5th year anniversary :)
We are supposed to have a JUST THE 2 OF US Celebration on that day but due to his Major Project & Exams this week, we decided to postpone the celebration.
Though the gift exchange will all take place next week but he has already dedicated his 100th blog entry to me... ~so touched~ :)
We met up in the afternoon after my pre-employment check up and i left him alone to continue his work while i met up with Peggy, Clarence & his 2 Grannys for shopping towards the evening.
We met up in the afternoon after my pre-employment check up and i left him alone to continue his work while i met up with Peggy, Clarence & his 2 Grannys for shopping towards the evening.

Finally managed to get my fairy necklace... something that i have been searching high & low for... though not gold and i really like the figure :)
Also bought a ring from M'phosis...Finally got a Black beads ring at only @ $6.30... Some places are selling at higher prices with workmanship not as good as this...(Beads are loose...i prefer the very tight ones)
Then i also saw many Disney cartoon stickers & magnets... *So Cute* Bought all of them till my mum also cant stand... heehee... im going to paste them on cards that im going to learn make myself...

No celebrations with Wei Tat on 25.08.07 but i had a fulfilling day and im looking forward to Friday's Midnight Shopping (31.08.07) with him and our Dinner on Sat(01.09.07) .... Yippie!!!
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