Saturday, 21 July 2007

Simple Life, Simple Us

It is just another ordinary Sat for the 2 of us... no intention to go anywhere to spend $$$ or to meet any friends for chill out.

For a simple reason, we are both tired!!

~Tired from work~Tired of having to wake up early everyday and drag ourselves to work~Tired from the shopping during weekdays(more on me)~Dont wish to squeeze with the crowd in town~

Sat is usually for re-charging in order to meet the challenges of a new week *So Sickening*

Though we usually spent our time at home or neighbouring malls during weekends, it is something that both of us look forward to... esp during Dinner!!!

It has been a routine (without fail as long as we are there) for us to order Fried Rice (the chilli is great ~imagine this statement is coming from a non-spicy eater!! ) + a fried Vegetable from this store at Pioneer Mall...

It's YUMMY!!! *Ren2 Qi4 Wang4* ~those who know me well will know this action!!~

Life may be simple, less shopping, less meet ups but this is the life that we like...

*Simple Life, Simple Us*

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