Pen my thoughts and feelings so that they become memories should I one day lose my memory or... This page may not be read now but many things dont get discover until they are no longer available/around.
Saturday, 30 June 2007
Moments of Life.........LoVe
Thursday, 28 June 2007
KL DaTiNg services
There are currently 6 candidates on file and before I do an individual introduction, let me share the common traits of these women:
- They are all beautiful in their way ~there are the glamourous ones, sweet ones, demure ones...etc~
- They are all nice people to be with, being caring, patient & loving...
- Most importantly, they all share a common HUSBAND currently, and this man is none other than MR TENG W.T.
Though they are already 'attached', they are still SINGLE & AVAILABLE for grabs... The reason being is, they believe in EqUaLiTy...*If Mr Teng can have 8 wives, his wives should also be entitled to have more than 1 husband as well*
Without further delay, let me introduce
The first candidate ~Mr Jul~ *FOR THE LADIES*
- is sporty & spontaneous (has taken part in SUBARU challenge before, enjoys jogging, mountain-climbing, volleyball...etc)
- loves ShOpPiNg *Desired trait for ALL women!!!* (he goes to JB, KL for shopping and can shop like a SHOPPING QUEEN) *wow...good*
- is rich & capable (holds a stable job & a managerial position in an established bank)
Weakness: Undecisive is his killer
Second Candidate ~Ms J.H~ *FOR THE MEN*
- is the youngest of all. Sporty and puts in effort during sports.
- is friendly & sociable (Able to mingle with people that she has just befriend)
- likes to read & bake (hmmm, can keep the men's heart after she fulfills their appetite....with the yummy cakes & cookies)
- prefers big-sized & uniformed men... *All uniformed group units take note!!*
Weakness: Too quiet at times... *learn to take some initiative ok*
Third candidate ~Ms Pei Pei~ *FOR THE MEN*
- knows how to cook & do household chores (typical housewife type)
- thrifty and able to manage her time well (currently managing her work which seems ever-lasting, her studies & also her family)
- treats most people like buddies and will go through thick & thin with them if u are one of them
Weakness: Occasionally she forgets to care for her image... *must always remember to act pretty ok...* ~FYI, i used to head a dept in school called the ACT PRETTY DEPT!!!
Forth candidate: ~Ms Tee~ *FOR THE MEN*
- is the most capable of all here (coz she earns the most among the ladies & also holds a managerial position in an established bank) and plays an important role in her team ~close to indispensible i would say~
- shares the good stuff with the people she knows & likes (in other words, not selfish)
- is easy to feed coz she loves luncheon meat, baked diced meat rice *Rou ding baked rice from Xin Wang HK Cafe* (so just feed her these and she'll be happy)
- is romantic (will plan a day at the park with loved one in a tent...bbq) ~hmmm, i must learn too!!~
Weakness: Have lower tolerance level as compared to the other candidates (in other words, short-tempered)
Fifth candidate: ~Ms Peg~ *FOR THE MEN*
- puts others before herself (willing to go to the extend for her friends & family)
- is submissive to men... esp handsome ones!!! (obedient i would say)
- loves to play mahjong (quite good at it also)
- belongs to the inner-beauty more than outer-beauty kind (i definitely have no intentions saying that she's not Pretty...dont get me wrong) *she's the kind that u need to get along with long enough before u appreciate her good
Weakness: Sleeps easily (even while STANDING) & often Dxxxx.... Ha!!*for me to know & for u to find out*
Last candidate: ~Ms KoKo~ *FOR THE MEN*
- is super-patient (able to wait for hours for someone...wandering in out of shopping malls)
- is accomodating (will go easy with the majority or rather those that she likes)
- is sometimes like a small kid which perks up people around her, seeing her cute & kiddish acts
Weakness: Insecured at times (but i know she's trying very hard to change so that her bf wont suffer from her nonsense)
With that, i finished my introduction... any interested ones ? or have u made your choice?? My cbox is just a click away...*response is within 24 hrs*
To help u further, below is a pic of the 6 candidates but i shallnt name them.... HaPPy ViEwInG! **FYI~Mr Teng is the one in GREEN~*
Monday, 25 June 2007
A FrustrateD, AngrY Me
- Why do i have to do so much when im only paid PeAnUtS?? (definitely not in the context of Mrs Gxx)
- Why am i paid lesser then those who contribute lesser or have less responsibilities? ~Does being responsible = more work being thrown to me for follow up???
- Why do BoSsEs always have the privilege to ARROW staff to do this & do that? ~Shouldnt BoSsEs be more experienced, helpful, know everything & help out whenever staff encounter problems??
AnGeR ~
- Im always asked to clear sHiT of others when they dont do their jobs!!! I have to clean people's backside after they poo a mess or simply when they claimed they have no time to do (as if im very free) or they dunno how to do!!!
- Im always the one worrying abt timing, faxes, deadlines, reports!!! Where's the sense of urgency of the rest?? Do i really need to draw up a schedule to officially say who to do what at what time and have to complete by a certain time of the day??? ~This is working society i thought, not some military school~
- BoSsEs never appreciate the hard work put in... When things happen, WHY is the most popular question popped...~this is generally what small fries are facing in working society~
- When u are DAMN busy, drowning, over-whelmed, almost dying, someone comes to say, "ah korina, i overlooked this, can u help me prepare it now and fax it over now?" ~i really want to jump off the building or knock myself against the wall when i hear the words!!!
*Why cant u do it yourself when u know jolly well that u are the one who screwed up the whole thing & u know the load that im shouldering*
Many times when im at work, i just want to CRY~breaking down~ Many times when i call TaT to complain abt how terrible my job is, i have tears rolling down my cheeks... Just that he doesnt realise it. Probably he is also too busy to notice...
If only i was born rich, maybe i do not need to put myself in this TeRrIbLe environment...If only i had my diploma first before getting this job, my pay would be higher... If only i train more to rebut and speak up more for my rights, i wont be suffering so much *Suffering in silence* IF ONLY.....
How long more do i want to endure such sHiT? Should i leave? Should i pursue my DeGrEe first? Should i stay on & pray daily for a PROMOTION or pay raise???
i really dunno....
*Work aside*
Today is a Special Day>>>> HaPPY AnNiVeRsY TaT!!!!!!>>>>>>>MuAcKz!!! :)
Look forward to Foot Reflexology tmr & also to book tickets for our GENTING TRIP!!!! (finally something positive to look forward to)
Sunday, 24 June 2007
Re-charging Mode
Had a really bad week (One-man show Situation for 4 conseceutive days, or should it be 5 since i had to go back on Sat...)
So tired that i had to lead a 'Pig's' life *Eat, Sleep & Eat* on Sat... went to work and left only at 4+pm!!!! *Terrible experience, still have to bring work home & worst, still a pile of work undone...HAIZ*
Headed straight to Jurong West... had my lunch-cum-dinner & to the air-conditioned RECUPERATION room *Ahhh...alas...* And guess what... it was a straight knock-out till 10+pm...
Of coz i felt better after the rest and im grateful for the consideration of Tat, who left me undisturbed throughout
*The truth is ~ He was busy playing GAME with his brother or as he claimed, watch his brother play*
This is something that i will never be able to do at home... My mum would probably be nagging at me to get dinner or say that i wont be able to sleep if i sleep for so long....
*The fact is, I WILL... in fact, im tired now*
Hopefully by Sun, i would have recovered and all ready for the battle... for Shopping (coz Pay Day is this coming TUES) & work on Mon *sad sad sad*sob*sob*sob*
I have a sudden urge to get Cute stuff for decoration... stationery or frames or gifts (just feel like giving presents).... think it's time to visit MiNi Toons...~Stationery, i'll probably wait for Ms Tee - we are both stationery Craze!!!~
Eat, Drink, Play & Be HaPPy..
We took some interesting shots and here they are:
Wondering what No. 3 & No. 5 means?
It's a waste that No. 4 couldnt join us due to her exams... next time ok??
~ Jason, trying very hard to reach the key *Singing "How Deep is Your Love"* ~
Went for supper after our K and went to bed at ~3.30am... Sad thing was i had to wake up at 8am to report for work... *BossES all going so cant be late!!!*
Thursday, 21 June 2007
- Cliff
- Hill
Did u try to squeeze an ans from the 2 options?
Ans: It's a MOUNTAIN!!!
~Dont start pulling your hair or think u are stupid for not getting the right ans~it's normal, not many got it (well, i did...hehe)
~Morale of the story:
*There are many things that we can think out of the BOX... if u think u are right, insist on it & ignore the options available...*
By the way, i just learnt something today:
~Stupidity cannot be cured~
Why i say so? If u did something today that nobody knows but yet u expect people to know... is it classified as 'StUpIdItY'...
What do u think?? maybe yes / maybe no...
hmm, wonder if i even did such a silly things before??? *HaHa*...really dont remember!!
Anyway in conclusion, i know today's entry is a little nonsensical ~sorry readers~ but it's greatly caused by me having a really bad day at work or rather bad week... & this will only come to an end on SAT!!! *OmG*
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
i FeeL...i HoPe
Nothing against them for being sick but i can only say they really know how to choose the time to fall ill... ~to fall sick together~*OMG*
Having to cover 2 people (covering all their duties!!!) for 2 conseceutive days is indeed a Great Challenge or rather the greatest sabotage in my 4 years in Merchant Business...
Fortunately i survived (though i had to bring some work home coz its torturing having to remain in office for too long a period) & all i pray now is Full Force from tmr!!
Lesson Learnt:
It is really important to know EVERYTHING that your team is doing... else when we are faced with such crisis, u will probably be calling your team for umpteen times for the day to ask Ask ASK (which i hate to do & dont encourage) or die standing in office *haha*
Monday, 18 June 2007

Went out dinner with my family yesterday & see that the little boy is now learning how to walk.. hee...
*All the way Clarence, u can do it!!!*
Had dinner at Pepper Lunch @ Taka... and i had Salmon & Chicken Set.. Not too bad but i thought my experience at Dhoby Ghaut was better.
Anyway this will be it... just wanted to show u all Clarence's photos... hee.
*Short update abt me lately*
- Lately looking into health products to reduce fatigue & improve complexion..Seems that Royal Jelly from Nature's Farm not bad... but im just checking things out.. not to the extend of buying them yet. Aiming at one product but it cost $309.90 *WAH* Daylight Robbery* (if we do buy, i will surely post it up.. chances not high)
- Also busy with our Genting trip.. the booking details, liasing, etc... (quite a big grp)
- Today even went to buy travel bottles for Tat, peggy & myself.
- Lastly waiting for all the money to come in...Waiting for lots of money from various organizations..$$$ *O$P$*July~August will be a fruitful one :) Yeah!!!
~Many may wonder why i often include small details of my life in my blog~
There are many people who are close to me *u know who u are* (Best example is my bf, my bro, sister in law, etc) yet we dont have much quality time to talk, spend & meet up with each other... so i guess this is my best communication channel to reach all of u... (including the KPOs whom im not too close to but want to know abt me... wahaha) ~ im not joking.... wahaha
Though life is busy but my hp is 24/7... u can reach me anytime! i wont disappoint u, unless u are in my "little black book" (quoted by Tat ~ Little black book contains people we dont like...hahaha *are u wondering if u are one of them?*
Dont worry... it doesnt contain many names..
Sunday, 17 June 2007
Night At Velvet Dragon
Was asked by Pat (Patrick) to join him to support his friend who was there that night for modelling. ~People attended - Pat, Tat, Peggy, Jin Hwee & Myself~
For those who dont know, Velvet Dragon is the previous Club Momo @ Central Mall..
The seats at Velvet are very comfortable.. So royal (but i din take any pics)...Even the toilets are great..i mean the designs, chairs, decorations, the whole outlook & feel (minus the vommitting ladies)
See some of the photos taken that night:
(1) So Sweet...
(2) Ouch... that must have hurt! (but i like Tat's expression)
(3) Handsome Pat, Pretty KoKo & Charming TaT
(1) So GaY...eeee...
(2)So Coolz...
(3) So Cute!! heee :)
Most interesting thing that happened:-
Due to the effect of Long Island Tea, someone got drunk *High High into the SkY* and was very happy & touched that she got Care & Concern from ermm.. Mr .... who bought her hot Tea from Mac, fed her Corn Cup and keep wanting me to take care of her..~hey girl, it was your day man!!!~
Need a clue for who the leads are: HaHa..sorry, only those who attended the party that night with us has the privilege to know...*Try bribing me, maybe i will tell*
Was quite an enjoyable night except that i reached home at 2am and had to wake up at 7.15am for work...
Saturday, 16 June 2007
What a Saturday!!!
Maybe let me start with my Friday nite... Couldnt go out till late night coz i had to work on SaT....haiz.
Though a little *SianZ*, still managed to shop & got myself a pair of pants from ToPsHoP (with 20% discount) & we also went to watch The Fantastic 4. [Maybe i should name the 4 of us as Fantastic 4...*hehe* (Tat, Lily, Peggy & Me)] - Reached home abt 1+am.
Reach office today at abt 10+ 11am...(really tired... Yawning all the way)
Why?? To clear WorK lor!!!
~(All thanks to some TaI-ChI masters)~ :(
Reached my second home abt 6+ and went straight to sleep... really very tired & sleepy...*Yawn*Yawn*
Suppose to have K session with Bro & Jen at night (abt 11pm)... BUT these 2 people really cannot make up their minds... *Cannot make it sia*
First, they plan to go then when asked to confirm, they ask me if i want to go??? *Aiyo...OMG*
End up after some ding donging, it was cancelled..
Not long after, they decided to go again... & after peggy says she's unable to make it, cancelled again... *Pull my hair*
Took a cab ~HSH~ Just stepped into my house, preparing for bath...
~SMS Beep~Fyi, we are now at Party World. Join us if u want..........*Really Speechless this time*
Of coz i rejected to go and here i am, blogging abt it...
N 1 more *omg* thing happened:
(settings : in the room where TaT was sleeping, probably even dreaming)
Me: Want to go for dinner already?
Tat: I thought u need to amend the contract!
Me: ??? huh??
Tat: Contract, contract... oh... No No No...nothing..
Me: *Pull my hair again* Angry!! Dunno who he thinking of...
Did u realise u were at home sleeping or did u dream that u were at office with your other 7 wives??? Probably even thinking of them!!!! Or is this sign of workaholisiam?? Really dunno..
Men!! Always never happy & contented with what they have...Dont understand!!!
To make myself feel better for this Sat, i look forward to the approaching JULY!!
Many happening events to be updated to my Calendar of Events for July:
- 01 July 07 - Free $$ from Government (Yeah!!)
- 13 July 07 - Clarence's One-year old Party *Happy Birthday*
- 13 July 07 - *Nite* Jacky Cheung's World Tour Concert (Finally get to see my idol & im sitting at Row 10..wahaha)
- 27 July 07 - Genting trip with the Tigers & OCBCs (11 pax in total) *New combination and im sure its going to be FuN*
- End July/Early Aug - Going to receive my incentive for my Diploma... Can save $$$ and buy more clothes le... (Shopping kakis, Peggy, Lily, etc, Take note of this period!! - we going to shop till drop)
Isnt it wonderful??? Really looking forward to it... *July Rockz*
Oh..., before July, i still have
- Next week - Medi/Pedi session with Lily
- 26 June 07 - PAY DAY ~Hooray~ im rich again!!!!
- 27 June 07 - Farewell dinner for a colleague & coincidentally it happens to be my supervisor's bday ~All the best to the first & Happy Birthday to the second...hee~
Maybe Life is not so bad afterall... (maybe just a not so happening Sat only..gee)
With that, its time for me to ZZzzzz (somemore raining).... Hopefully Sun will be a peaceful & enjoyable one... Nitez people!!
Sunday, 10 June 2007
UnInTeNdEd Shopping SpReE
Not true... it just happens that during this GSS period, they are selling their T-shirts at really low prices and im really in need of T-shirts... (yes, i bought a new one today & the best part is, Present from TAT... i din spend a cent) *wahaha*
What i like abt this T-shirt is - it is V-neck which suits me best!!
Maybe need to thank the Malaysia branch of H-D which closed down, thus causing them to sell them so cheaply... Think 2 is enough (fr H-D). The next stop for T-shirts will probably be from Mango...Today Tat also bought his new phone Nokia, E-65... Nice & stylish... very executive. If i have $$, i will buy one too (w/o contract)..
Peggysan also bought 2 pairs of shoes - one from Charles & Keith and the other from U.R.S... U.R.S even have further discount for UOB cards (10%+10%)
We are all big winners today... all managed to get things!!! *So happy* (Unintended shopping brings us more surprises)
Diamond Energy Water
Got to learn abt Diamond Energy Water from Mr CMO & his wife when i visited them at KKH for the arrival of their 2nd kid - *Lovely Baby Girl Samuela*
Basically the technology uses a filter (installed to taps and/or showers) to break down water molecules clusters to form Ordinary water molecules (H2O) which is rich in oxygen. By doing so, it actually makes it easier for our bodies to absorb them.
The food that we take in contains toxins (articificial colouring, artificial additives, pesticides, preservatives, chemical fertilizers, heavy metals, etc), thus we require GOOD water to cleanse our bodies in order to flush out theses toxins.
The water that we drink today contains chlorine which although helps to kill the germs in the water, it also kills the cells in our bodies...
By drinking diamond energy water, it helps greatly to detox our bodies and also makes absorption of supplements more effective.
Users' review:
- Has helped absorption of supplements better and thus improvement in complexion
- Physical evidence in human bowels as signs of detoxication (out-put of oil, fats)
- Using it for bathing has aid stroke patient in recovery
- Using it as bathing also helped skin problem, esp for ezchema
i tried the water myself... comparatively, there is no difference in taste (although some say there is). However, the feel of drinking that mouthful is water makes the difference. When we drink a mouthful of water today, we often can feel a big gulp travelling down our throats. After i tried Diamond Energy Water, i could tell the water is smoother and do not feel that gulp down your throat...(all due to the breakdown of the clustered molecules)
Though the price is quite ex (abt $1.5K+ for the tap filter), it is actually for a life-time purpose and seeing its benefits, it is quite a good investment.*In fact, im considering getting 1...*
Should u be interested, u can leave a note in my cbox & i try to get more information for u.. (no obligations for that & im definitely not selling it myself!!!)
Thursday, 7 June 2007
Foot Reflexology Craze
First unique encounter was FISH REFLEXOLOGY @ Sentosa... the therapy requires u to sit by the pool with some dead-skin eating fishes (TURKISH SPA FISH)... the minute your feet lands inside the pool, these fishes 'attack' them. (& my feet seems to attract them as compared to the feet in the pool!!!) - *Too much dead-skin...haha*
It is very ticklish & nibbling, esp. for the bigger fishes... For a start, we recommend the smaller ones first (to adapt the feel) then switch to the pool with the bigger 'eaters'...
Price: $50 - Fish reflexology (20mins), Foot Reflexology (20mins) & Head Shoulder Massage (10mins)
Quite scary & disgusted to see the colour of the water of my feet... & the "shi fu" was telling me that im weak in my stomach (digestive system) or my immunity system. I highly suspect its my immunity... since i have been falling ill quite easily lately.
(click pics to see clearer)
Interested?? this shop is located at People's Park & its CHEAP... Very good customer service & very friendly staff
Now he can even create & print his own greeting cards... & im definitely learning it too... (then i can save $$$ buying cards..hahaha) *Dont worry abt quality coz its not at least less inferior than the ones we see on shelves*
Tuesday, 5 June 2007
Work & Me (Ms Mole) ...05.06.07
Today is a boring day at work... No particular reasons why i feel so down (its not the colleagues nor the work) but just dont feel good... or rather down.
Is this an indication that im sick of the environment? Is this an indication that i should be exploring other better opportunities outside? Maybe im somewhat affected by the turnover rate...
Honestly, i really dont have an explanation... All i know is, i *SigH*
Today at work, i suddenly discover that i have a mole on my lip... exactly like Mediacorp actress Joanne Peh...*Oh My GoD*...
i got so panicky that i started calling everyone up (people close to me) to ask if they realised that i actually have a mole on my lip... Was it a overnight thing???
All except one answered, "It has been there all the while... didnt i tell u abt it before?"
And this person turns out to be Teng WT!!!!
Even my mum did not realise abt it... During lunch with peggy this afternoon, i even went to ZooM into all the photos in my phone to see if the mole has indeed been there all the while...
I managed to spot a little dot on some but not very obvious. Somehow i just find it very obvious today... (& the worst thing is Peggy said that my lips have grown fuller and insisted that TAT is responsible for it... *Crazy Woman*) - For no reason, im also labelled as "Ms Mole" by this crazy woman!!!
Quite a nice name though *haha* (& the mole is not that obvious anyway) but somehow i just feel it is a flaw to my pretty face...WaHaHaHa... *Thick-skinned*(but i mean it!! *hee*)
Today Tat also has no time for me (that brings my mood down even more) coz he is rushing for his presentation & his website thingy... Haiz.. my plans for today (though nothing big) has to be postponed & i guess for the next few days i wont be meeting him coz he has presentations to make for school & he is also overwhelmed by new info and skills to pick up in his new team...
Well, hopefully things get better (maybe something like he will give me more $$ for shopping before GSS ends or he completes his on-hand project quickly and can spend time with me)...
Im really looking forward to visit 2 restaurants with him (hopefully by this week)...
- The Ship Restaurant & Bar Pte Ltd @ Shaw Centre &
- Shashlik Restaurant Pte Ltd @ Far East Shopping Centre*
Have been hearing that its GooD - *Yummy Yummy*(muz Go, muz Go)
Monday, 4 June 2007
Which came first? The chick or the Egg
Hours ago, Tat & I were debating on this... We went back to 5 years ago when we first met in school...I must say our relationship was special (to me) and how we got together wasnt the norm...
It all started with our PE lessons, one playful classmate of mine (actually all thanks to him that we are together) & the SMS that we exchanged.. (if u are interested in the details, u may refer to one of Tat's blog entry with more details - quite long ago though)
As the debate was going on, Tat insisted that it was me who liked him first, because he claims that i often looked at him when he is at the canteen. Also, every morning, i will always find his class queue on the parade square to see if he came to school (he was a bad student - Always late & skip lessons)...
Erm, well, i dont deny these actions BUT this doesnt mean i liked him first...
Here is my side of the story:
If he did not attract my attention from the beginning, i wouldnt have noticed him...
(He often intentionally knocked into me when we jogged on the track during PE lessons & being such a high flyer in school, he actually asked for my name and said my name was Alice...)
Not only that, he actually wanted to know my chinese name and he used dirty methods to find out (he peeped at my homework from behind my seat and even shouted the name in class!!) *Despicable TaT*
When we started to SMS one another, he even suggested that we have a gift exchange... *Cunning right*
Isnt it SO obvious that he wanted my attention and LoVe...wahaha.. (yet he want face...)
There are more supporting evidence (and will take ages to list them all) but he just refuses to concede defeat and insists that i liked him first...
Actually, this is really an everlasting debate because like i mentioned, our begining was unique and different from the other relationships...
Despite everlasting, we did have our conclusion:
Was it really important to have an ans to the question above???
No, of course. What matters is the LoVe u have for each other now and forever... (but i will continue to stand by my arguement that, TaT, u LiKeD me first....wahaha) - *HeeHee*
To be fair to TaT (although he is a man of PRIDE, always want face), he has been very sweet & nice to me from the start...since 5 years ago.
This is the first present from him (25.09.02*First Month Anniversary*) and he also used a very romantic way to present it to me.

Locker unlocked & there the bear was, sitting in the locker with a card... i actually shouted in class coz i realised it was a plot for me...
Chidish u may think, but to me, it was a very sweet and romantic gesture :)
To TaT,
U may not have much time (due to work & studies) to think of more evidence to fight this debate, you may have little or no time (also due to work or studies) for me, you may have lose your temper at me occasionally, you may have forgotten to be romantic since u have been a BUSY man over the years or you may sometimes forget me (due to your lousy memory & u always claim u will try not to forget me), BUT i will not forget your kind & sweet gestures since the day we got together...
Saturday, 2 June 2007
Spending my Non-Working Friday
My leave didnt actually turn out as planned due to time factor and due to a last min brought forward gathering with our friend back from States...
I skipped my Medi/Pedicure to shop for shoes with Tat for his function at Ritz Carlton (We managed to get a nice pair from Hush Puppies)... Apart from that, didnt buy anything from all the sales... (as usual, i cant get stuff from sales because i cannot stand the mess that the other shoppers have created and dont have the patience to wait for the queue)
But saw some Cute & Interesting things:

Power Puff Girls at Marina Square (i used to collect their stickers and exchange them with my students when i was still a child-care teacher)...
Sony used pretty models as their marketing strg:
Hope the efforts of these pretty ladies paid off...
I got myself a 80 GB Seagates Hard Disk for $119.00. Really need more space or my PC is crashing very soon with all the movies, dramas, music & pics...& whatsmore it has 5 years warranty... Quite a good buy!
Then was Sweetland time again... hee.. (its just so tempting!!!) - And my collection this time:
As Tat was too smart yesterday so he maintained his image and did not join me in the fun...
Let me show u his SMART look :This is the new shirt that i bought for him... though the pic doesnt bring out the smartness, he really looked good (Compliments not only from me...)
Yummy Yummy from Killiney...