Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Do you believe in Karma?

After encountering and experiencing so many things lately, I cannot help but to believe that Karma does exists and it comes in many forms that sometimes you dont even realise it.

Lots of self-reflections going on lately and I cannot help but only to attribute them to Karma falling upon me.

Now here's the list:

When I was much younger (havent start to date), I used to tell myself that I will find myself a Tall and Handsome Man to marry. Average looking men are not my cup of tea.

MY "KARMA": In 2011, I married a man slightly shorter and more than average looking as my husband. The good thing is he seems to be looking better as he grows. Likely he is another Miao Qiao Wei category where they become more charismatic as they aged.

I used to tell or rather scold my friends when they start to cry over break-ups or become emotionally dependent on their boyfriends. Women must not trust their men 100% and must be independent.

MY "KARMA": After being attached and marriage, I realised I am just like those girlfriends whom I have ever told off or scolded. I am emotionally, mentally and physically dependent on my man such that people start to say my world only revolves around him.

I have a Best Buddy Ms P and being an introvert, I hate to make calls to enquire on things. As such, maintaining this 18 years of friendship, I pretty much earned myself a secretary too as she will always help me make calls for appointments and/or contact my mum for outings.

MY "KARMA": As my roles in life start to expand (not just being a daughter, student, girlfriend etc), there are many things which I can no longer depend on Ms P. My seniors in life start to ask that I call up the to check on this and check on that. Sometimes I wonder why I am the one being arrowed to do so when they should be the ones more concerned over the matter.

As I reflect, I recognize that the boomerang has U-turned to hit me back, right smack in the face. The list just goes on and it has come to a point where I fear telling people my thoughts and comments. What if I say the 'wrong thing' and I get hit again. I think my life in 2013 hasnt been smooth-sailing and I dont think I can take anymore hits as my mind, body and soul are already at their most fragile stage. If God exits, please take this pain and unhappiness away from me.

After reading this, do you believe in Karma?

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