Sunday 2 September 2012

Starting September

1 September:
Instead of the usual fun stuff, we went to donate blood - for a good cause!!
My face turned pale when I was called in for health screening. Apparently a patient had some reactions after receiving my blood together with others. So they are now checking whose blood is the contributing factor of the anti-bodies of which the patient was allergic to. While the doctor assured me that it was normal and that there is no cause for alarm, I still don't feel good. I still think I am going to die soon, like I always tell my husband and friends (quite sad because I still have many things not accomplished).

2 September:
We had an inaugural picnic at Marina Barrage. Quite a unique experience as compared to usual outings just that the sun was too hot. We were under the shade but I still became a lobster after that few hours of outdoor sunshine.

All in all, it was quite a good start and I hope things continue to go well and I can remain loved and happy. May I be blessed...

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