I attended the first performance on 24th September 2009. I left home with high level of enthusiasm and passion. One of the main reason was also because I could get to see my idol, Jacky Cheung perform again.
We arrived at Fort Canning Park about 6pm. Without proper signages (First disappointment), we found ourselves together with a whole batch of people standing at the wrong stage.
"The main stage is below", we were told by one of the ushers.
The first group to perform was "Da Mouth". I was very impressed with Ai-sha's performance - 'WONDER-FULL' Body and I am certain she made many men Drool and Bleed that night.
Oh, talking about the emcees, despite the many disappointments (which i have yet to finish ranting), the consolation to the concert was having Cruz and JiaHui host the event. Nice!
Along came A-mei which was the greatest disappointment of all. Her microphone wasnt working well when she sang her first song (Fourth disappointment). Subsequently, the songs chosen for the concert were too new. It makes the performance more like an album promotion instead of F1 ROCKS (Fifth disappointment). I was actually eager to hear her because I have not heard her live but I must say the performance was a let down.
The sixth disappointment is the most unforgivable one; We waited for a long long time before Jacky finally came on stage. In fact, we had to wait for some time after each performance. This last one made us wait aimlessly for almost 40mins before they eventually set up the band and lightings for Jacky. During this long interim, the management did not bother to send the hosts out to entertain the crowd (Seventh disappointment). We stood there like FOOLs, feeling warm and frustrated yet we had to be patient as it was our idol who will be appearing NEXT. From Cruz's blog, Jacky was unhappy with the delay too!
Fortunately, Jacky delivered a stunting performance with his sexy moves and of course his voice. I Like! I Love!
My last notes: I hope the management of the concert can do a thorough review so that F1 Rocks 2010 will have Less/No (if possible) hiccups. Im sure they would have received lots of feedback forms about the disappointments (the tickets didnt come cheap and it is only fair that the audience deserve a satisfactory reply).
Casting the unhappy issues aside, enjoy the video below: