- My ideas are often or almost always tweaked till they no longer belong to me
- Im put down for things
- Execution for my project is delayed for x reasons yet the culprit pushes the blame to me (instead of herself)
- I have to do something that is OBVIOUSLY someone's job - i meant everyone has their own task and somethings clearly belong to the another person
- Im insulted when it's a clear MISINTERPRETION from that person herself
I seriously dont see any reason in staying on... It's meaningless...
Everyday i just feel depressed, upset and eagerly looking forward to WEEKENDS. I lost myself, my drive and motivation to work. I dont feel appreciated for contributing so much - the small things that make up the big picture are not seen. Everyone sees only the big things that Managment does and the small fries suffer like HELL!
Someone please send me an angel to save me from this plight!!! I dont want to go crazy at the age of 26... Help me...
Hey gal, saw that you are going through a rough patch. When things gets too tough for me at work last time, I told myself this:
When the situation did not improve, I took actions. I set a deadline to reach a conclusion. I measured my options (stay or go or tolerate?). And I stuck to it.
Remember that happiness is in your own hands! Only you will know if the job is worth all these mental anguish... Jiayou and all the best.
a friend ~CL~
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