Tuesday, 29 May 2007


You go on a holiday and pass by an antique shop. You were attracted by an antique watch which u have fallen in love with at first sight. Though expensive, u bought it without much hesitation.

After how long after u have bought this antique watch will it be spoilt? (your ans can be anything - 1 day, 3 weeks, months, years, will not spoil...etc)

**If your ans was not "will not spoil", then what will u do after it has broken down?

The question is supposed to test how much u value a relationship.

The antique watch represents your love relationship
How long it takes for it to break down represents how long u think your relationship can last before it starts to have problems?

And lastly, if it breaks down, what is your next course of action?

Did u choose to throw it away? i choose to keep it though its spoilt.
i have a friend who chose to sell it...haha..

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