Pen my thoughts and feelings so that they become memories should I one day lose my memory or... This page may not be read now but many things dont get discover until they are no longer available/around.
Thursday, 6 December 2007
Free = I DO NOT need to WORK while sitting on my comfortable Executive Chair, listening to my fav. music, enjoying the peace in my room....hmmm... NICE!!
Has been quite bad since i started my new job on 17 Sept...
Firstly, the politics is really BAD!! My dept is an outcast... Seems that nobody speaks to the people in my dept... Even bosses sitting beside each other need to go communicate via email!!!
Secondly, my boss is an extreme quick-thinker... Just as you think u can finally settle 1 case, LAST MIN CHANGES!!! And on top of all the follow ups that you need to do, you have to coordinate the LAST MIN CHANGES!! Coordination is not like a phone call away... got to chase, got to check, got to seek's like repeating the start process all over again..HAIZ!!
Sometimes, due to this quick change of mind, i have to inform everybody about a change and HA... Mass email to everyone AGAIN to inform some MORE CHANGEs!! It just doesn't stop... that's why i can never finish my work for the day!!
Thirdly, 1 pair of hands to do so many things... and colleague from the same dept can come to tell u, THIS IS YOUR AREA OF WORK, NOT MINE!! You shouldn't be expecting me to do it, though i encountered the problem...
Fine, if you want to draw line but the next thing you know, I'm assigned to cover her stuff, share part of her work and contribute to the project and help out!!!
Lastly, I'm having less time to meet my friends and even my boyfriend. By the time i knock off, i only want to head home to rest my tortured brain!! I lack the energy to meet up with people or travel all the way down town to meet BF... He's also so busy. Simply no time for me.
People work and they gain recognition and appreciation (Good Job!!, Well Done!!), but Me??
My boss is SuPeR PERFECTIONIST and her opinion supersedes everybody's comments...(Isn't Art and design suppose to be subjective???)...
I'm glad if she doesn't show attitude and starts to tell me off for this and that!!! Not to mention APPRECIATION!!!
I will be going for my Confirmation Appraisal on Tues 11/12/07... All i pray for is to have a Justified Pay Increment!!! (though i do have intentions to prepare my resignation letter before hand)
Wish me LUCK!!
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Today is your Birthday!! Happy Birthday!!
We went all the way to 111 Frankel Ave for our dinner... It's the same management as the French restaurant we frequent at Boat Quay (but it's not a French restaurant, it's more of an International cuisine restaurant) - GoUrMeT pLuS PtE LtD...
Decided to go there to give support the merchant... do some networking too!!! :)
Let's see the "itinerary" for the evening:
Starting from the appetizer:
We made a special order for Shrimp and Scallop Salad (not found in the menu!!)... not too bad but we thought it would be better if the "vegetables" had some dressings, too bland. Main course:
TaT had Duck Confit while i ordered Seafood Linguine in tomato sauce...
Yummy yummy... the Duck Confit was served really crispy and the sauce was nice... ~TaT enjoyed it especially the crispy skin!~
For mine, most people would expect tomato pasta to be served with lots of sauce but the unique point about this dish is, it was served quite dry, yet not lacking tomato taste... GOOD!! ~i actually like the fact that it has less sauce coz i usually don't take much sauce when i cook it myself~We also enjoyed 2 housepour on the house (1 Red, 1 white wine from jess...thanks dear)...
I had Chocolate Lava Cake with Vanilla ice-cream and birthday boy had Bread & Butter Pudding (popular dessert there!!)
Not too bad but i still prefer the Chocolate Fondant served at Pichon (French restaurant @ Boat Quay)... TaT din mention much about his but i guess was just so-so...
We still prefer Pichon...hee:), in terms of Food, Ambience and of course location!!
Birthday Present!!!
It's a birthday dinner so how can we not have a present??? Okay!! Here is it... i bought a Black Braun Buffel wallet for him... something that he wanted to buy. Together with the present is a birthday card (Bear carrying a Strawberry chocolate cake ; Strawberries are his fav!)Hmmm, i'm quite sure he likes the present... and he also smiled when he was reading the card so i guess i did a great job... i made him happy on his birthday!! (Good job, Korina!!)
More years of happiness awaits you, Mr TaT... years after years.... :)
Tonight's dinner, though simple but quite enjoyable... Life is about simplicity and happiness!!!
Look forward to his post-celebration on Fri with Lily, Julian & Peggy @ Pichon!!! wahahahaha...
Sunday, 21 October 2007
Nothing Much... just write for Fun!! (Hee!)
First, i spent my Sats recuperating (instead of the previous chionging and shopping) from the tired and stressful weekdays by taking long hours of naps, slacking, reading magazines (in short simply doing nothing!!)..
Sunday will be the time i usually bring my mum out for shopping or go out for family dinners.. This is the day i end up spending...either of FOOD or things that i see along the way...
Like today, im out supposed to get Tat's present as it's his birthday this tuesday (23 Oct 07) yet i end up spending hundreds on well as spending some money on dinner (not the food court pricing) haiz :(
I need to save money!! else cant get married!!...hee hee..
Thinking of having to work tomorrow is such a turn off... Tomorrow is going to be a busy day!! Got some arrangements to make and tiding up of info...then got to make a trip down to designers' place to check, pass and collect some stuff...
Better to be busy tomorrow than Tuesday!! 23 Oct is a must OTD for Me!!! (OTD=Knock off work On The Dot!!)
Wonder where Tat wants to go for his birthday meal!!
Monday, 15 October 2007
Swallow your Pride, girl...
Since I started my new job, my brain just got defragmented... all i remember are tenants, merchants, unit numbers, contact names, email adds/hps, mechanics offered and the list of things that are expected to be completed by day end!!
There seems to be no room for other personal matters...i get nightmares on weekdays and i even dream of having to go to work on a Sun morning.....Dread feel!!!
Everyday I really dread going to work... i hate the feeling of having to go to work... this feeling is worse than the phobia i had from my ex-supervisor 4+ years ago...(10x more?!!!, maybe!!)
Sometimes i wonder if its myself, the nature of job or my boss that is causing me to have all these fear, unhappiness, phobia...
If i can work at some place paying PeAnUtS for 4 years, it should prove that i have great patience and endurance... Whatsmore, i have always been appreciated by my boss, big boss and even big big boss ; so it shouldn't be ME, right?
Nature of job?
Calling merchants to squeeze them for offers... hmmm, its an 'OK' job if you have enough time and also enough merchants to play around with (ie. u don't call the same merchant every month to get them to give discounts to your members as common sense tells you; if someone keeps calling u to squeeze you, you should run right?) The problem i have NOW is I'm asked to call the same old merchants again and again and AGAIN... Actually i feel very pai seh... "Dear tenants, i hate to disturb you too, but i really have no choice!! Pressure from Management"
More importantly, i have done merchant servicing before... I'm quite good at customer service and knowing merchants... so does it mean its also not the nature of the job?? THEN??
My boss????????
Frankly speaking, i do not know what my boss is thinking...She looks steady & calm on the outside but deep inside, I'm unable to understand what she's thinking or rather, can she understand the position of her staff, her team? Has she tried to think in our position given that we have no marketing, communications, advertising experience?? (then what am i doing in this job??? i dunno also!!)
I feel really stressed when its 10am every morning because its Quick Chat time or for some of you, its called the WIP time (Work In Progress)..Sometimes i know what i need to do for the day but somehow i just feel pressurized speaking up to her...
Is it my incompetency or am i facing too high an expectation that no matter how hard i try, i don't seem to be able to meet.... Someone please give me directions!!!!
Even now that i have ideas, i don't know when its a good time to share... i feel proud of my achievements to tie up established merchants but seems that no one shares the same sentiments...Where & Who do i turn to for appreciation and gratification??
Do you think i should stay on? But its not my style to give up so easily...but i cant take it (most of the times...i even have to cry it out at least twice a week to let it out)
End of the day, I just have to tell myself, if you want to be successful, you want to switch industry, learn about Marketing, Advertising & Communications, cast aside your inborn leadership skills, swallow your pride and do as you are told, GIRL!!
Saturday, 6 October 2007
HoHo..Finally....Im Back!!
The food is GOOD though a little steep...First time there and im surprised by the crowd...
According to the regulars there, the weekend crowd there is even worse!! It's famous for its CRABs... Yummy Yummy!! If not for the distance, think I would be a regular there...
07/09: Buffet Dinner @ ParkRoyal Hotel

This is taken in office before going for the dinner:
Sunday, 9 September 2007
Zoo, ZOo, ZOO....Zoo-logy
And finally on 08.09.07, we arrived @ Mandai....SINGAPORE MANDAI ZOO!!!
Participants involved: Korina, Wei Tat, Peggy & Korina's Mum
Arrival via Cab @ 11am: We decided to settle down at KFC to "cure" our rumbling tummies since it was drizzling.
Let our Zoo-logy begins here:

Due to loading speed, i will only highlight on the more interesting animals...I deem interesting!!
This is the section where we spent the most time... Interesting to be observing the behaviours of these Baboons..
We witnessed how a Parent Baboon control her kid... stopping her child from running too far, pulling its tail whenever it wanted to run far to play...
We even saw 2 Baboons mating...haha.. was really fast!! ~perhaps in 3 secs!!!~

Look at the 'balls' of the brown kangeroo?? We wonder why its like that as we dont see the same in other kangeroos...
Right pic > Special apperance : ~EMU~
Animal Farm...Moo Moo... Bleat Bleat!!
Animals in Action!!
*Lion Shit, Jagaur Swim, Rattling Snake*
~Mr Giraffe vs Ms ZeBra~
There are many other animals in the Zoo and too much to learn and know... It was definitely an educational trip (whatsmore its FREE) knowing so much more abt the animal kingdom...
Featured below will be some of the other photos that we took...but Mostly on Me & Tat!! Hee Hee...
We were so tired combing the entire Zoo... We headed straight to foot reflexolgy (our usual Chinatown) after our dinner @ AMK Hub (i also bought a white skirt there...hehe :p )
Our last stop was enjoying and relaxing at TCC @ Boat Quay... the second floor was so cosy and relaxing... we ordered drinks, desserts and a side dish (Beef-Mozza Tofu) and relaxed there till Midnight before we headed HOME SWEET HOME!!!
Sunday, 2 September 2007
Shop till u drop at Hougang Mall
We decided to try some place that we have not or rarely visit after our Foot Reflexology @ Chinatown...HOUGANG MALL was the choice!!
We bought so many things that we had to ask my dad to pick us up....
Let's see what we've got:
First on the list, we have the Most Important and Most Expensive item for the day and that is my anniversary present to TAT... His favourite Solvil Titus Watch.... cost $300++!!!
He actually aimed it at Jurong Point yesterday but we decided to buy it today...*No more delays, he just loves it* (Im so glad TaT is a practical least im not paying $$$ for useless items that he will dump aside after his enthusiasm is, toys....)

He loved it so much that he wouldnt mind telling u the time for the day (regardless the number of times u asked him...hehehehe) ~Im glad he likes it~
He also bought New Moon Chicken Essence as he hasnt been sleeping well (must be thinking of me too much...hahaha!! Nah, maybe too excited abt his new job) And it happens that they are having promotion and we were given a pack of New Moon Rice (1kg)....imagine the load.
Peggy also bought a pair of scandals for work....White!!
Mum bought bird's nest, Snow Frog Jelly (total 3 boxes) and some facial products. Before coming here, she also bought a Braun Buffel wallet at OG - Albert Complex....Nice!!
Because we spent so much, we were able to redeem a corded phone for just $2.00!!! We also redemmed a picnic bag (so cute...a kiddy bag with cups, plates, spoons, forks & napkins) and were given lucky draw coupons... Our hands all FULL!!
Our dinner was at a Shanghai Chinese Restaurant... Food was quite nice!!
I paid for dinner.......Spent the most $$$ (due to the watch) but din not get anything tangible...
What i got (which is more valuable) was happiness from the other 3, who managed to get what they liked... Most importantly, the smile and contentment from he must be admiring his watch now... :)
Hmmm, now that he has gotten his share, its my turn to wait for mine to come.... He knows what i want but we havent seen a nice one yet...We need more shopping trips to get a good one!!
Next week (Sat), we are going to the Zoo ~we are going to the Zoo Zoo Zoo...why wont u come too too too...~ (& sun would probably be our Spa session @ Helios) so i guess my present gonna be later.....we shall see how it goes!
Such a fulfilling day....Everyone is happy and im also smiling as i type my blog entry :)
Stay tune for my entries next week (provided im not too tired to log in) to share my happiness and get everyone smiling!!! ~Yippie~